"Transmetropolitan". Why you need to read a comic about a desperate journalist from the future
Invented by Warran Ellis and drawn by Derek Robertson, this incredibly colorful comic strip provides one of the most colorful pictures of the cyberpunk future and tells a fascinating story. Teplitsa author Oleg Uppit explains why Transmetropolitan is a source of inspiration for journalists and activists. Also read about social business Euroterminal School of Gonzo Journalism Hunter Thompson's biography and the history of the Watergate scandal still inspire journalists and activists. But, let's be honest, by the end of the 90s, when Transmetropoliten was being created, they began to smell of mothballs. Gonzo journalism entered the mainstream and became all too familiar, and exposing the machinations of President Nixon is in the distant past. But the adventures of Spyder Jerusalem in Transmetropolitan turn out to be gonzo journalism at maximum speed: even more hallucinogenic, even more insane and dangerous than in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, based on Thompson's most famo...